MTG公式にて「必読記事」と賞される【Who’s The Beatdown?(誰が攻撃する側か?)】を和訳してみました!MTGのプレイングに関する良記事です。

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Who’s The Beatdown?(誰が攻撃する側か?)


 (英語サイト)Who’s The Beatdown?(誰が攻撃する側か?)

The most common (yet subtle, yet disastrous) mistake I see in tournament Magic is the misassignment of who is the beatdown deck and who is the control deck in a similar deck vs. similar deck matchup. The player who misassigns himself is inevitably the loser.


You see, in similar deck vs. similar deck matchups, unless the decks are really symmetrical (i.e. the true Mirror match), one deck has to play the role of beatdown, and the other deck has to play the role of control. This can be a very serious dilemma, if, say, both are playing aggressive decks.


Let me give you an example: At a 1.x PTQ in Washington D. C., my teammate Al Tran was playing for a top 8 slot vs. Sligh. Al was playing Lan D. Ho's White weenie/Jank deck, normally an aggressive deck... But not vs. Sligh.

例を挙げよう。ワシントンDCで行われたPTQにて、私のチームメイトであるAl Tranはトップ8をかけてスライと戦っていた。Al は白ウィニー(ジャンク)デッキ – 通常ならば攻撃的なデッキ – を使っていたが、vsスライとなると話は別になる。

The match was split 1-1, and the third game was going to determine who made top 8.


Al's opponent went first and laid a Jackal Pup. At this point, Al had two Cursed Scrolls, two Swords to Plowshares, an Honorable Passage, and some land in hand. Al chose not to Plow the Jackal Pup, taking 2 on the first attack.

Al の対戦相手が先に動き、まず「ジャッカルの仔」を置いた。この時点でAl は2枚の「呪われた巻物」と2枚の「剣を鍬に」、1枚の「名誉の道行き」と数枚の土地が手札にあった。Al は「ジャッカルの仔」を農場送り(「剣を鍬に」を撃つこと)にしないことを選び、最初の攻撃で2点のダメージを受けた。

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His opponent played another Pup. Al didn't Plow either, waiting on Scroll mana or a Lightning Bolt.

彼の対戦相手はもう一枚の「ジャッカルの仔」をプレイし、Al はどちらも農場送りにしなかった。「呪われた巻物」のマナや「稲妻」を待ったんだ。

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On his own second turn, Al played another land and a Cursed Scroll, so he only had one land up.

Al の第2ターン、Al はもう1枚の土地をプレイし「呪われた巻物」を置いた。だから、彼の場には1枚の土地がアンタップ状態であるだけだった。


On his opponent's third turn, you guessed it, another Mountain came down, followed by Ball Lightning. Al was forced to Plow the Ball. He gained control over the next few turns, but ended up dying to Bolts.

対戦相手の第3ターン – 予想できるかもしれないけど – もう1枚の「山」が置かれ、「ボールライトニング」が登場した。Al はそれを農場送りにすることを強いられた。彼はその後の数ターンのゲームの主導権を握ったものの、最終的には「稲妻」によるダメージでゲームを落とした。

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What was the problem here? Al was a beatdown deck, and he wanted to deal damage to his opponent via the Jackal Pups. However, in this particular matchup, he had to play the control deck. You see, Sligh is just much faster than Jank, so Jank's way to win has to be stifling Sligh's early speed with removal, and then locking down the midgame with Cursed Scrolls. Because Sligh also has Cursed Scrolls, as well as more Bolts than Jank, the only way that Jank can win is to make sure it has a decent life total as it plays its own threat cards.

何が問題だったのだろうか?はAl はビートダウンデッキで、彼は対戦相手に「ジャッカルの仔」たちによってダメージを与えたいと考えた。しかしながら、特定のマッチアップにおいては、彼はコントロールデッキとしてプレイしなければならない。ご存知のとおり、スライはジャンクよりも幾分早いデッキだ。そのため、ジャンクが勝つためには除去によってスライの初速の速さを封殺し、中盤以降は「呪われた巻物」によるロックを決める必要があるんだ。スライはジャンクよりも多い「稲妻」に加えて「呪われた巻物」もっているため、ジャンクの唯一の勝ち筋は、脅威となるカードに対して適切な量のライフを保ちつづけることしかない。

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Though it ostensibly hurts the initial race to give the Sligh player four additional life from the Jackal Pups, you can see from this example that Al had to give him six more life from the Ball Lightning... And still took at least eight from the Pups before he could control them. It would have profited Al much more to Plow the Pups, Passage the Ball, and enter the midgame with twenty life as he started to threaten with his own Paladins, Priests, etc.

スライ相手に「ジャッカルの仔」たちと引き換えに4点のライフを与えてしまうのは表面上痛いことのように思えるが、この例では「ボールライトニング」と引き換えに相手に6点のライフを与えた上に、少なくとも8点のライフを「ジャッカルの仔」たちによって失ってしまっている。「ジャッカルの仔」を農場送りにし、「ボールライトニング」をスルーすることはAl により多くの利益をもたらし、中盤のゲームにて、20点のライフを持ちながら聖騎士や僧侶たちとともに相手への侵攻を仕掛けることができたかもしれない。


The same comparison can be made when two control-based decks slug it out. At the same PTQ, I was playing High Tide against what is normally a dangerous matchup for me, CounterSliver. My opponent was running the usual array of Slivers, Worship, and permission, as well as Cursed Scroll. He made the mistake of thinking he was the control deck.

同様の例は2つのコントロール系デッキ同士の戦いでも見受けられる。同じPTQにて、私は「High Tide」を使い、通常は厳しいマッチアップとされる「カウンター・スリヴァー」と戦った。私の対戦相手が使ったのは通常のスリヴァーのラインナップと「崇拝」、パーミッション・カード、「呪われた巻物」によって構成されたデッキだった。彼は「自分はコントロールデッキだ」と思い込む間違いを犯した。

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After playing a turn-2 Crystalline Sliver, he followed up two turns later with Worship, so I Stroked him out. (I killed him the first game with Palinchron, and because I mostly showed him some Disrupts, Force Spikes, and card drawing, he may have thought I was more creature heavy).


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It doesn't matter... He thought he was the control deck in this matchup when clearly I was the control deck. I had a comparable or greater amount of permission, but where he had Slivers, I had card drawing and deck manipulation; where he had dual lands, I had Thawing Glaciers. My Thaws were going to insure that I never missed a land drop. I had already housed a couple of his Brainstorms with Disrupt. This means that I was going to win the long game every single time.

私が明らかにコントロールならば、彼がこのマッチアップにて「自分がコントロール側だ」と思い込んでくれるとありがたい。彼にはスリヴァーの軍団がいたが、私には彼のデッキと同量かそれ以上の打ち消し呪文があったし、ドローやデッキ操作のカードもあった。彼のデュアルランドのスペースに私は「Thawing Glaciers」を投入しており、それは土地事故による敗北から私を守ってくれた。私はすでに2枚の「渦まく知識」を「撹乱」で打ち消していた。これは私が長いゲームでほぼ間違いなく勝利を収めることを意味している。

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His job, therefore, was to kill me before I killed him. The normal formula is to play some decent-sized Slivers (two power or more) attacking every turn and leaving mana open to try to counter whatever the opposing blue deck does that might be threatening (you know, a Wrath of God, an Engineered Plague, or in this case the High Tide finishing combo). First of all, he probably should have tried to threaten me more aggressively: only one Crystalline gives me a lot of turns of Thawing and card-drawing. Secondly, tapping out is the death knell: I didn't even have to waste a Turnabout on him.

したがって、彼の仕事は私が彼を倒す前に私を倒すことだった。基本公式は、いくつかのそれなりのサイズのスリヴァーをプレイし、毎ターン攻撃するとともに脅威を受けるためのマナを残しておくことだ(「神の怒り」や「仕組まれた疫病」、「High Tide」のコンボは知っているだろう?)。まず第一に、彼は私をもっとアグレッシブに攻めるべきだったかもしれない(たった一枚の「水晶スリヴァー」では、私に「Thawing Glaciers」を起動する機会やカードを引く機会をたくさん与えてしまう)。第二に、タップアウトが死の鐘鳴らした(私は「転換」を無駄に使う必要が無かった)。

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In similar deck vs. similar deck matchups, there are a couple of things that you want to look at to figure out what role to play:

  1. Who has more damage? Usually he has to be the beatdown deck.
  2. Who has more removal? Usually he has to be the control deck.
  3. Who has more permission and card drawing? Almost always he has to be the control deck.

If you are the beatdown deck, you have to kill your opponent faster than he can kill you. If you are the control deck, you have to weather the early beatdown and get into a position where you can gain card advantage.


  1. ダメージ源を多く持っているのは誰だ?その人は通例、ビートダウンとなる。
  2. 除去をより多く持っているのは誰だ?その人は通例、コントロールとなる。
  3. 打ち消しやドロー呪文がより多いのは誰だ?ほぼ間違いなく、その人はコントロールとなる。


For an example of correctly determining who is the beatdown deck and who is the control deck, look at the Sligh vs. Sligh match between Price and Pacifico at the top 8 of the 1998 U.S. Nationals. Although on the surface, the two players seem to be playing very similar decks, there are major design differences:


Dave's deck was running more Cursed Scrolls than Pacifico's, and he also had Hammer of Bogardan and Fireslinger. His only real beatdown was Jackal Pup and Ball Lightning - the rest of the deck was more control and utility oriented.


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Pacifico's deck was much more damage-oriented... It was based around attacking and celerity creatures instead of dedicated removal. In addition to Jackal Pup and Ball Lightning, he had Goblin Vandal, Mogg Flunkies, Suq'ata Lancer, and Viashino Sandstalker. Furthermore, Pacifico's deck lacked Fireslinger and Hammer of Bogardan, and ran only three Cursed Scrolls.

Pacificoのデッキはよりダメージ志向のものだった。それは除去よりも軽量クリーチャーによるアタックを基盤としていた。「ジャッカルの仔」と「ボール・ライトニング」に加え、「Goblin Vandal」や「モグの下働き」、「スークアタの槍騎兵」に「ヴィーアシーノの砂漠の狩人」も搭載していた。その上、Pacificoのデッキには「ボガーダンの槌」や「投火師」が入っていない上に「呪われた巻物」は3枚だった。

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While Dave's deck could definitely get a quick start, in this matchup, his deck was the control deck, set up for the long game. In one duel, Dave just played land and Scrolls and did very little else. He started by removing Pacifico's creatures with blocks or Bolts, and then Scroll-locked him, gained a little card advantage, and finished the game.



Had Dave tried to race Pacifico, he might not have won. When two players are just blindly throwing their creatures into one another, the one with more damage-oriented cards is going to win the race (but I figure we expect good Sligh play from the King of Red).


Finally, think about the Suicide Black vs. Sligh matchup. These are both very fast beatdown decks. Sligh invariably wins.


Which deck has more damage? Suicide Black. It runs many high power-to-cost creatures, like Carnophage, Sarcomancy, and sometimes Flesh Reaver. Sometimes it has stuff like Hatred. It damages even itself.

どっちのデッキがダメージ性能に優れるだろう?スーサイド・ブラックだ。それはコストに対してパワーが優れた多くのクリーチャー – 例えば「カーノファージ」や「肉占い」 – を有しており、時々「肉裂き怪物」なども見かける。また、時には「憎悪」のようなスタッフも有している。それらは自分自身にも同等のダメージを与えるデメリットを有する。

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Which deck has more removal? Sligh. If Suicide Black even runs Cursed Scrolls, the Sligh deck can invariably match them. Moreover, the Sligh deck has not just weenies, but Bolts.



Though Sligh is very fast (goldfish around turn 4), Suicide Black can goldfish on turn 2 or 3 depending on the version and the Ritual draw. Clearly, the Suicide Black deck has to be the beatdown deck and the Sligh deck has to be the control deck. However, Suicide Black can't afford to be the beatdown deck. It can't lay many of its clocks, especially Sarcomancy or Flesh Reaver, because the Sligh deck has so many bolts. It can almost never cast a Hatred, for fear of auto-loss to an Incinerate. So if it can't really beat down, the Suicide Black deck has to try to be the control deck.


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Anyone who has ever witnessed this matchup (at least when the Sligh deck gets a decent draw) knows how well control-oriented Suicide Black turns out.


Misassignment of Role = Game Loss.

役割を間違える = ゲームの敗北 である。

After sideboarding, the Suicide Black deck has traditionally done much better. By taking out a lot of its damage myself cards for creature removal and life gaining, it can play the control role more adequately, and has a much improved (if not great) chance of winning.



誰が攻撃する側か? (Who’s The Beatdown?)




 MTG FAN – トップページ

